

Electronic Communication: Familiarity with the class website is required. The website will house all the readings, lecture slides, assignments, and any other additional information about the course. You are responsible for checking the class website every week for announcements or changes to the class schedule. You may communicate with me via e-mail or using the website contact page during regular working hours (9-5pm). Be aware that my responses are not instantaneous and maybe delayed by several days. Those who visit me in-person during office hours have priority over those who send me an e-mail.

Student Etiquette and Conduct: In all interactions with faculty and classmates, students are expected to be respectful. To this end, all electronic devices, computers, cell phones and the like should be turned off or silenced prior to the start of lectures and lab sessions. It is also each student’s responsibility to regularly retrieve course materials from the course website, to know the due dates for assignments, to arrive on time for class to hear special and important announcements, to obtain notes from classmates for missed lectures, and to come to class meetings prepared to learn. Communication will be made primarily with your Springfield e-mail account, but announcements may also be made through Moodle or the class website, so it is important you are constantly checking these resources. Please be sure that if you do not use your Springfield College email account often that these e-mails are forwarded to your primary account.

Academic Integrity: Students will be held accountable for the academic integrity of their work according to Springfield College policy. Any passage taken from another author must be acknowledged and correctly cited.  Papers or projects used in other courses may not be presented for academic credit in this course.  Any student who violates this policy may receive a failing grade for the course, and may be reported to the Dean of Students for possible additional penalties.

Attendance:  Attendance is expected and non-attendance affects your overall grade. Along with your participation grade attendance will impact how your involvement in the class is graded. Any known excused absences must be discussed prior to class for make-up work, and unexpected issues must be discussed with the instructor as soon as possible.  If you already know that you have more than two excused absences (athletes, conferences, etc.), please discuss with the instructor within the first week of classes. Anymore than four unexcused absences will result in a zero for your class involvement grade. Consistent lateness will also be reflected in this portion of your grade.
Additionally students are expected to be prepared to contribute to the class. This can take various forms, but a clear lack of preparation will be reflected in your participation grade (a lack of reading, minimal involvement in discussion, not attending office hours, failing to turn in assignments on time, etc. will be considered as a lack of preparation and participation.

Academic Assistance:  A wide variety of academic assistance is offered through the Academic Success Center.  Students can receive a number of services, such as tutoring through Writing Support Services, Math-Science Support Services and the Content Tutorial Program. The Academic Coaching Program is available to help students improve time management and study skills.  The Assistive Technology Program provides training in a range of assistive technology software.  The MTEL Assistance Program provides support for students preparing to take the Communications and Literacy Skills portion of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure®.  The Conversation Partners Program provides support for non-native speaking students wishing to improve linguistic skills in language such as English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and other languages as available.  The Academic Success Center is located on the first floor of Hickory Hall, room 109 and can be contacted at 413-748-3747 or ASC@spfldcol.edu.  More detailed descriptions of its services can be found on its website:  http://www.spfldcol.edu/academicsuccess-center.

Accommodation Planning: If you have a documented physical, learning, or psychological disability on record with the Academic Success Center’s Learning Support Services, or the corresponding campus individual in the School of Human Services, you may be eligible for reasonable academic accommodations to help you succeed in this course. It is your responsibility to request such accommodation in advance and to provide appropriate documentation. Students on the main campus should contact the Director of Learning Support Services, who is located on the first floor of Hickory Hall, room 105, and can be contacted at 413-748-3768. Please let me know of your request as soon as possible so that I can work with you and the Director to arrange for appropriate and reasonable accommodations.